Archive for the ‘Cadence Tracker Febrero 2011’ category

DJ Candence 2011 Trackers!

febrero 19, 2011

DJ Cadence English Trackers & More!

This is an ClubPenguinCP Cadence Official Tracker. If you want to Refresh this Tracker just Click Here and the Tracker will be Instantly Uptaded

Status / Estado:

Server / Servidor:

Room / Sala:

Tips to Find Cadence

How Do I Find Cadence? Thats not Easy At All… But we can Help a lot.  Below are many tips to find Cadence:

1. Cadence  logs into the crowded servers during peak hours of the day. Cadence visits the less crowded servers during hours when less penguins are online. Thats why you have to be a very Lucky Penguin to Find Her!

2. If you find Cadence on, click on the free gift button on the far right for Cadence’s autographed background, there are 2 Types of Backrounds until now…

3. Cadence is usually online when she visits Club Penguin. How you can see the server that usually is not crowded suddenly get crowded, check this server for Cadence. And Thats why finding Cadence its Very Hard!

4. Cadence changes servers every 10 minutes. This means you will have to find Cadence fast and check this Tracker for Uptades.

5. Cadence is most commonly seen on Tundra, Blizzard, and Frozen. Check these servers first. Cadence most commonly is found in rooms that relate to the Night Club including the Dance Lounge, and the Night Club Roof.

6. Updates on Twitter will be posted whenever Cadence is found on Club Penguin. Follow @Ruben007CP on Twitter! And You will have more Chances to Find Cadence on Club Penguin. So… Follow Ruben007CP Now!

7. Always Remember to Visit Ultraruben.Wordpress.Com so you can find Cadence More Often!

8. Finding Cadence takes a lot of patience. Use my tracker and with some time you will find Cadence. She may be on multiple servers at the same time. So if you want to Find Her… Check this Tracker Every Day 🙂

9. Cadence is a pink penguin with purple hair, a boombox, a striped scarf, green earphones, wristbands, and white and black shoes. If you find her on Club Penguin, click on her to view her player card and then click on the free gift button on the far right for Cadence’s autographed background.

10. We Hope you Can Find Cadence and We wish you Luck!

¡Tracker de DJ Cadence en Español!

Este es un Tracker Oficial de Cadence. Si Deseas actualizar el Tracker solo haz Clic Aquí ¡Y Listo!

Status / Estado: Online

Server / Servidor:

Room / Sala:

Tips para encontrar a Cadence

¿Como puedo Encontrar a Cadence? Eso NO es nada Facil, Aunque te Ayudaremos.

¡Estos son Algunos Tips para Encontrar a la DJ Cadence!

Ella se conecta a varios servidores.

1. DJ Candence solamente esta cuando Club Penguin anuncia su llegada.

2. La DJ Candence tarda como 10 minutos para cambiar de servidor.

3. La DJ Candence va a servidores populares como: Blizzard y Tundra.

4. Sería más fácil encontrarla si formas algun  «Grupo de Busqueda».

5. Además Su color es rosado y usa una vestimenta Exclusiva.

6.Para tener mas Info. puedes seguir a @Ruben007CP en Twitter.

7. Recuerda Visitar este Blog todos los Días para tener ¡Mas Chances de encontrar a Cadence!

8. Necesitarás de Mucha Paciencia para encontrar a Cadence… Así que ¡Comienza Ahora!

9. Para Obtener su Imagen de Fondo haz Clic en el Icono de la Caja en su «Tarjeta de Jugador»

10. ¡Les Deseamos Mucha Suerte a Todos con su Búsqueda!

DJ Cadence Player Cards & BackRounds

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